Dr. rer. nat. Dipl.-Math. Michael Hellwig
I am a Senior Scientist in the field of Computational Intelligence and the Director of the
Josef Ressel Centre for Robust Decision Making at the Research Centre Business Informatics
of FH Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences.
I have received a Diploma in Mathematics from the Technical
University of Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany, in 2009 and the Ph.D. degree
(Dr. rer. nat.) in Computer Science from Ulm University, Ulm, Germany in 2017.
My work is concerned with theoretical and practical aspects of Evolutionary Computation
and Machine Learning.
On the theoretical part, I am working the performance analysis of Evolutionary Algorithms (EA).
In particular, I am investigating the behavior of (meta-)ES on noisy and/or
constrained optimization problems. My interests involve the
theoretical description of the related dynamical evolutionary system,
as well as the design of new algorithm variants that
successfully deal with specific difficulties in the mentioned environments.
On the application side, my priority is the transfer of theoretical results to
practice, i.e. the development of algorithms for industrial real-world problems.
In this context, I am especially engaged in investigating the synergy potential of concepts
from Machine Learning and Evolutionary Computation to reduce the impact of uncertainties
on real-world processes. Moreover, the application of computational intelligence methods
to automate manufacturing processes and to investigate sustainability aspects has developed
into new areas of competence.
In addition to my research activities, I teach Mathematics, Statistics, and Machine Learning courses in different study programs at
FH Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences and at the University of Liechtenstein.